Is history a big lie? Understanding Tartaria
From my many years of research a picture has formed, and I might add, a very palatable image in which a more likely reality offers up the idea that previous to the Crusades, Christendom was a huge realm with monarchs overseeing each nation under the authority of a Church that represented the message in the Gospels.
The system was administered through the Abbeys and Monasteries, the biggest and most powerful of which in Europe, was the Abbey at Cluny in Burgundy. From 909 AD, this monastery was taken over by the warrior cast, the Carolingian dynasty, who then set about inverting the Benedictine doctrine on land ownership and became a powerful religious order that required land and more land ad infinitum. Land became their currency. What they carried out was the formation of the feudal system which they then thrust on England in 1066.
I would suggest that the Crusades were the portal for the influx of the Magi controlled House of Judah, from which the subversion of Christian kingdoms would begin across Europe and Russia, and from that platform they moved east and moved against the subject matter of this report, Tartaria, or Tartary. The agenda of the Jewish Templars was to create the secret society title of King of Jerusalem in league with Saladin in the pact of 1150.
They would set out to create the centre of this new money and power Hungary movement in Rome, Italy, commencing the building of the Vatican complex as we today know it, on top of what was there before, and to then claim it as the centre of Christendom from the start, in order they could sideline Constantinople and move to oppose it. The vatican oversees the canon and thus land law, the Holy See, which controls the Vatican, the Inner City of London and Washington D.C. has moved to shift land law into its own jurisdiction, that of Admiralty and Maritime Law through the use of the Birth Certificate as opposed to the canon Title, the Live Birth Record. Study.
The last thousand years would be the history of concealment of the real heritage of Europe with a slow and methodical undermining of the priesthood, from which they were able to replace the truth with the garbage we are offered today. But of course that is a subject unfinished, these are only my thoughts built up over many years of study. With that in mind I present my thoughts on the long lost empire of Tartaria.
Often over the years have I found myself staring at the world map and the huge expanse that is Siberia and wondered….why has this place been left alone by the sickness that is the financier?
At no point during my days under education was Siberia mentioned, and I took geography as a course.
Then you find Tartaria or more commonly known as Tartary. Dipping your nose inside the idea that is Tartary, many things that are taken as sacrosanct are thrown into total and complete disarray.
The first paradigm to be challenged would be what academia offers up as chronology. Not a new concept at all which Isaac Newton presented to his Queen when he supplied a chronology of ancient kingdoms. However, that is the only point on which the two histories have affinity, because if Tartaria is indeed a point of fact, then Newton was cementing the history offered by the Biblical tradition as the only history post Crusades. Newton was said to be the last of the great Magi which presents the same as in control of the entire Hebrew Tradition.
The second would be to contemplate the fact, everything your entire experience has forced fed you to accept as the real, both in a historical context and in the moment or in the now, is perhaps the biggest deception ever to have been accepted as fact by a global population in which a future they are coerced to vote in, will cancel them out.
The third is to confront the idea that there once was a global empire, not that long ago, which broke up when certain members of the trade agreement wanted more and moved into a role that they called the parasite, what the Hebrew tradition would call Judas, and demolished the long held acceptance of each others cultures within their own boundaries, which had served to allow for a peaceful existence by all the nations in agreement, without everyone having to be uniform. The remnants of the empire are thought to have been completely demolished by about 1733, and not until the ability of flight, was there any signs of the empire and its buildings in Siberia to modern man.
We must also consider that the book burning frenzy that took place across Europe, said to be burning there works of Luther, were in fact removing the books that gave the real truth about what Rome was, in order a new Rome, the one we have today, could be birthed to bedazzle the populations through a false heritage.
The main narrative of this story presents the idea that a huge and highly technologically advanced northern hemisphere empire existed, that after some dubious internal decisions were enacted, the consequences triggered a series of catastrophic events that saw many of the inhabitants flee. That since at least the Middle Ages, all evidence of the empire was systematically deconstructed until another force finally killed off all the survivors by the mid 1700s, from which all references to the empire Tartaria, would be omitted from all future academic works.
My thoughts steer towards the Mongol invasion being a cover for a much larger attack on the entire landmass leaving history seeing only the Mongol as native to those lands. Then you find research, backed by Google Earth, that suggests a massive nuclear conflagration and a series of cataclysms was also in play, but the historians tell us we are on a linear timeline of technological advancement. Could the Mongols have been the liberators of the landmass back into a Tartarian tribes hands? What I do know from my Chinese studies, China and Mongolia were not on good terms, ever. Either way what is presented as history is incorrect.
The world that has been offered as history, since at least the Crusades, is but a fraction of the truth, and moreover, what we today accept as our foundation, is a fiction created by the parasitic factions that would build upon the remnants of a greater global civilisation and claim it as its own. The system they are pushing over the globe is best classed as the Mystical Body of Satan.
On the back of the revelations of this empire, the out-there brigade are making their move upon it, the first I came across was the flat earth division, an immediate red flag, and then it was the obligatory claims of extraterrestrial technologies that came out as the second.
I then learned of a growing idea of a mud flood event not that long ago which lead to a concept they are calling the restart.[1] If the giant pyramid and other huge complex buildings were in fact a part of one global empire, then we could indeed be speaking of technologies such as how to use sonics to move huge blocks of stone. The miss-use of this technology, we are told, took place in Atlantis, which was an agreement between 10 empires, that moved to takeover the world for itself. If sonics were employed and the earth began to vibrate, then Egypt and all other buried archeology would have sunk into the liquified soil and sand, thus offering explanation for the many buried cities and complexes around the world. Then there is the idea of a great flood which could create the same mud fill we can see in many cities around the world, but the line being covered with the mud flood idea places the event only centuries ago and not millennia. Either way the truth is being hidden.
The idea itself does have teeth but from my browsing of it so far, appear to miss out the fact, when wondering why there are so many orphans during the last two centuries in Europe, do not connect the war dots, which from the late 1700s through up to the present, was war. They then commenced the three World War strategy into the 1900s. Children and the movement of, has been a constant through the centuries of war. They kill off the adults and are left to do as they please with the remaining children. In Britain the City of London exported hundreds of thousands of British children across the commonwealth while importing blacks and Asians back into Britain. In Germany towards the end of the Second World War as the Bolshevik Russians entered Germany, over 1.5 million German women were gang raped to death, leaving only children.[2][3]
More than that, war leaders of the Second World War acted to ensure a huge encroachment into Europe by Bolshevik Russia.
Article credit by the bridge
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